2022年9月8日更新 更新:Version 0.2.3600.17504
The old shadow settings could be a bit convoluted to use and it was easy to make bad-looking shadows that would also negatively impact performance. We've consolidated these settings into a single dropdown with a clear selection of presets(Disabled, Low, Medium, and High).
Low and Medium settings provide significant performance uplift over the previous default settings (High) while still maintaining decent visual fidelity. If you have resorted to turning shadows off when playing on large bases to maintain a playable frame rate we recommend trying the new low setting which looks much better than Disabled and has minimal CPU overhead.
Over the last few updates, there have been several changes to the cryotube and this work is being wrapped up in this update. The functionality remains mostly the same from the previous updates but we want to highlight these combined changes.
Specifically, we've replaced the old Cryotube model and added two new variants; a standing vertical version as well as a separate horizontal model. It now has an on-off switch, a display panel to better communicate information about the internal state, and a few tweaks to the internal workings and requirements. Most importantly, in addition to healing players inside, it can now resurrect dead players, if given enough chilled NOS.
While we were at it we updated the sleeper as well. The existing sleeper is replaced and a new one has been added that has a dedicated area for players to exit onto. This prevents damaging yourself while exiting it. There are now 3 variants; left and right-hand horizontal versions and a new vertical bed.
We're showing the Stationpedia some love this week with the addition of some missing entries of the new devices that we've recently added and fixing a load of formatting errors and a few other issues.
You'll see the addition of Max Pressure Delta to things like doors, walls, as well as anything else with a valid value.
We've also changed some internal processes and standards that should ensure that entries get filled out as we add new content or modify existing items.