




2022年9月8日更新 更新:Version 0.2.3600.17504





There are two new sensors to track the presence of players. you can use this information in your logic setups to trigger different events. You can filter which players trigger the sensors by configuring their access variables using the access controller cartridge. The sensors will then only be triggered by a player who holds the correct Access Card.

The Occupancy Sensor is triggered when 1 or more players are in the same room as the sensor.

The Proximity Sensor is triggered when 1 or more players are within the range of the sensor. The range is configurable using the knob or via the ‘Setting’ logic variable.


The old shadow settings could be a bit convoluted to use and it was easy to make bad-looking shadows that would also negatively impact performance. We've consolidated these settings into a single dropdown with a clear selection of presets(Disabled, Low, Medium, and High).

Low and Medium settings provide significant performance uplift over the previous default settings (High) while still maintaining decent visual fidelity. If you have resorted to turning shadows off when playing on large bases to maintain a playable frame rate we recommend trying the new low setting which looks much better than Disabled and has minimal CPU overhead.

Cryotubes and Sleepers

Over the last few updates, there have been several changes to the cryotube and this work is being wrapped up in this update. The functionality remains mostly the same from the previous updates but we want to highlight these combined changes.

Specifically, we've replaced the old Cryotube model and added two new variants; a standing vertical version as well as a separate horizontal model. It now has an on-off switch, a display panel to better communicate information about the internal state, and a few tweaks to the internal workings and requirements. Most importantly, in addition to healing players inside, it can now resurrect dead players, if given enough chilled NOS. While we were at it we updated the sleeper as well. The existing sleeper is replaced and a new one has been added that has a dedicated area for players to exit onto. This prevents damaging yourself while exiting it. There are now 3 variants; left and right-hand horizontal versions and a new vertical bed.


We're showing the Stationpedia some love this week with the addition of some missing entries of the new devices that we've recently added and fixing a load of formatting errors and a few other issues.

You'll see the addition of Max Pressure Delta to things like doors, walls, as well as anything else with a valid value.

We've also changed some internal processes and standards that should ensure that entries get filled out as we add new content or modify existing items.

Chang Log v0.2.3600.17504

Added Tooltip message: “Failed: Helmet Closed” when trying it eat or drink with helmet closed on Normal or Stationeer Difficulty. Tweaked colliders on horizontal sleepers Updated cryro tube models - slight fix to the UVs Fixed Re-joining a server after logging out would cause client positions to not be updated correctly on the server. Fixed furnace fires having a purple tint. Fixed null ref with specific edge case when saving and loading in a seat Added powered sound to new sleepers. Added Stationpedia descriptions for new radiators. Updated stationpedia descriptions for cryo tubes Added Nitrolyzer information to the stationpedia, and updated kit Atmospherics entry. Added new Air Conditioner behaviour information to stationpedia. Fixed confusing language in the active vent stationpedia entry. Changed sleeper internal atmosphere warning light to be off when unpowered as it was causing confusion about the actual powered state Fixed sleeper variants sounds not playing. Tweaked animation play speed to better match sounds. Fixed sleeper colliders appearing when doors are closed Tweaked cryo revive - it will now heal a portion of body and organ damage to stop the case where you have so much organ damage you instantly die again Added Occupancy Sensor to Kit (Sensor). The OccupancySensor is triggered when 1 or more players are in the same room as the sensor. You can filter which players trigger the sensor by configuring its access variables using the access controller cartridge. The sensor will only be triggered by a player who holds the correct AccessCard. Added ProximitySensor to Kit (Sensors). The ProximitySensor is triggered when 1 or more players are within the range of the sensor. The range is configurable using the knob or can be set using the Setting logic variable. You can filter which players trigger the sensor by configuring its access variables using the access controller cartridge. The sensor will only be triggered by a player who holds the correct AccessCard. Fixed Mining Belt MKII missing “how to manufacture”. The recipe had the name incorrect in the recipe. Added oxygen warning functionality to new sleepers. Will flash orange when oxygen is below safe limits for breathing. Corrected a lot of wrongly formatted Stationpedia links Corrected some spelling and grammar on Filtration Stationpedia entry Added Max Pressure Delta to Stationpedia for structures with a valid value Changed Applied a scaling multiplier to solar radiation based on the absolute value of the internal Atmosphere being radiated to Y = 1 / (1 + Pow((X / 450), 3.2) (where X is TemperatureKelvin of internal atmosphere) Added new sleeper variants. Old sleeper can no longer be built from sleeper kit but should continue to work for existing saves. Fixed cryotube healing while open. Will now only heal when closed Added DeepMiner FBXs Fixed IC-Chip not showing error message when exporting to chip failed. Added difficulty confirmation panel strings to game strings Fixed null reference error when a character decays with a leaking suit Fixed issue where new cryotubes were not connecting to pipe networks correctly Fixed bug where saving inside a seat/sleeper/cryotube would cause the camera to spawn at the lander on loading the world Changed onoffswitch to use a unitask instead of a coroutine Consolidated Shadow Settings into: Disabled. Low, Medium, High. Low and Medium settings provide significant performance uplift over the previous default settings (High) while still maintaining decent visual fidelity. If you have resorted to turning shadows off when playing on large bases to maintain a playable frame-rate we recommend trying the new low setting which looks much better than Disabled and has minimal cpu overhead. Old shadow settings are no longer exposed to the Advanced Settings panel, power users can still tweak these by manually editing their settings.xml Fixed Some shadow and lighting settings not updating until game is restarted. Fixed difficulty popup appearing in tutorials Adjusted convection rate for cryotube. Cut it in half since calculated surface area of cryotube is so large it was difficult to get very cold. Made the temperature requirement for revival in cryotube < -150C rather than < -160C Added new horizontal cryotube model Added new vertical cryotube model and updated cryotube kit model

更新/version_0.2.3600.17504.1663831675.txt.gz · 最后更改: 2022/09/22 15:27 由 小锁2